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Venetian masks


Buy a Venetian mask in the online store

The Sudarushka theater store offers Venetian carnival masks made in papier-mache technique - another classic method of production for masks. Papier-mache masks (mixtures of fibrous materials with adhesives) are a durable theatrical props and design object.

Today, the Venetian carnival mask is rarely used for its intended purpose. The exception is again a theatrical stage or costume events. But at all times, an artfully executed Venetian mask is a true art object, a bright souvenir and an unusual gift, especially if you are a little familiar with the history of the images that masks symbolize.

The History of Venetian masks

In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of the Most Serene Republic of Venice greeted each other with «Buongiorno siora maschera!», which literally means «Good afternoon, Signora maschera!». The mask was almost an integral attribute of everyday costume - other Venetians (regardless of status and occupation) did not leave the house without a mask. In the mask, they not only arranged romantic dates and political meetings, but also committed not the most plausible and honest deeds. The mask was so much a sought-after accessory that the masters of masks (mascareri) even joined their own guild. It happened in 1436. And two centuries later - in 1608 - the Venetians, mainly because of rampant crime and immoral behavior, were officially banned from wearing masks for a year. An exception was made only for balls and days of carnival, which, by the way, lasted a lot - since St. Nicholas Day.St. Stephen (December 26) and before the beginning of Lent. This is how a triune image has been formed in world culture for ever - Venice, carnival, mask.

Types of Venetian masks

If you do not go too deep into the cultural discourse, then they can be divided into male and female, as well as theatrical and conventionally secular (that is, those that the Venetians once wore in everyday life).

We owe theatrical masks to the Italian Commedia dell'arte, which literally translates as the comedy of masks. This Italian street theater, which originated in the 16th century, has deeply penetrated not only into the world art culture. The images of Commedia dell'arte are known to everyone Harlequin, Columbine, Pedrolino, Pulcinella, Piero, Brigella, Zanni and many other characteristic characters with their recognizable system of visual codes.

Secular (classical) masks - Volto, Gatto, Jester's Mask (Jolie - female version), Venetian Lady, Moretta, Dottore Peste and, of course, Bauta. Baut mask - has no gender, it was worn by those who wanted special anonymity, but, as a rule, representatives of the upper class. At one time, wearing a Bauta was mandatory at government meetings during the adoption of controversial political decisions, because it provided security to the voting participant. In the 18th century, only citizens of the Republic of Venice were allowed to wear a Baute - it was protected by law. The status of the mask was also emphasized aesthetically - the Bauta was always distinguished by a rich decor of precious stones, feathers and expensive fabrics.

How is a Venetian mask made?

By the way, about the methods of making Venetian masks. Initially, the masters used leather to make masks - today it is very rare to meet such a mask. But the market was flooded with a variety of modern «crafts» made of plastic and latex, the quality of which leaves much to be desired.


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